
GLightbox plugins system

Glightbox was built with adaptability in mind, offering a flexible approach where each feature is encapsulated within a plugin. This allows you to customize your experience by selecting and incorporating only the functionalities that align with your needs.


While our collection of free plugins caters to the needs of most users, we understand that some may require more advanced features. To meet this demand and sustain the project, we’ve developed a selection of paid plugins. These premium options offer enhanced functionality while also contributing to the continued growth and maintenance of this library.

Types of plugins

There’s three types of plugins:


This plugins allows GLightbox to handle multiple types of contents, for example images, videos, etc. If for example you need to implement a PDF reader inside the lightbox then the slide type should be used.


Theme plugins allows to use a completely different UI, you can overwrite the CSS and HTML of the lightbox. If you are planing to modify the UI your plugin should use the theme type


The other type is used for plugins that implement new functionalities like keyboard navigation, drag, zoom, etc.

Check the Creating plugins section to learn how to build your plugin