Image Plugin

Adds support to display images


This plugin it’s part of the GLightbox package, you just need to install GLightbox using following the installation process and then you can import the plugin in your code.


import { GLightbox } from 'glightbox';
import { ImageSlide } from 'glightbox/plugins';

const lightbox = new GLightbox({
    plugins: [
      new ImageSlide(),

Plugin Options

maxWidthstring100vwThe maximun width for the images. You can enter any valid CSS value like 800px, 95%, etc.
matchFnFunction-You can provide a custom function so the plugin can notify GLightbox that it can handle the URL. The plugin by default checks for URL’s ending in common image formats like .jpg, .png, .webp and many more if your URL does not include the image format use the matchFn to adjust it to your needs
import { GLightbox } from 'glightbox';
import { ImageSlide } from 'glightbox/plugins';

const lightbox = new GLightbox({
    plugins: [
      new ImageSlide({
        maxWidth: '100vw',
        matchFn: (match, url) => {
          // If the URL contains, then it's an image
          if (url.includes('')) {
            match = true;
          return match;